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ACUVUE® Oasys® 1-Day with Hydraluxe, the lens help unlock first jobbers’ career goals

My decision of leaving academia to pursue my dream as an Interior designer was never an easy step for me. Leaving my comfort zone and stepping into the unknown world was the greatest fear that I have to faced at that time. Remembering the time when I have to make a choice to follow with what i'm familiar with or to take the risk. Well, I've never regret my choice!

constant changes and environmental shift
Leaving the academia world and moving on to a more demanding lifestyle put on extra stress to my eyes. Being in this industry, I have to deal with long working hours, constant changes and environmental shift every day from "outdoor time" to "indoor time" to "digital screen time" This causes my eyes to feel tired easily resulting in declining performance.

When I first try on ACUVUE® Oasys® 1-Day, I immediately notice the difference. My eyes no longer felt heavy at the end of the day, because they really minimises eye fatigue and dryness. 

Thank you ACUVUE® and Sample Store for giving me this chance to take part in the ACUVUE® Experience Centre (AEC) digital influencer program to experience the difference.

EYECHAMP Flagship store
Few days ago, I decided to make an appointment to head down to Serangoon NEX Eyechamp flagship store, ACUVUE® Experience Centre (AEC) to get my first ACUVUE® Lens fitting experience.

When I first enter the store, I was greeted by a row of friendly staff, honestly I was pretty baffled by their friendliness.
My ECP, Xin Yi
My ECP, Xin Yi then run a comprehensive eye health check for me with personalized consultation to understand my lifestyle and vision correction needs.

Proper Hygiene Procedure
Firstly, she run through the proper hygiene procedure with me, I believe most of the contact lens user will neglect this important steps, I do skip this step sometimes, trust me, I really regret after the eye test result is out.

Auto Ref Test
Next she conduct a auto ref test to measure the estimation of my myopia optical power. 

Refraction Test room
To ensure accurate vision measurement and prescription, she also conduct a Refraction test using the phoropter in another room. My ECP, is so nice and friendly she even held the curtains for me as I walk from one room to the other.

Slit Lamp - eye health check
Unlike my previous eye test examination. I get to understand about my eye health in ACUVUE® Experience Centre (AEC). A slit lamp is also used to check my cornea health like for limbal redness and staining grade as well as UV damage. 

Result of my eye health check
The Limbal redness of my eyes shows that my eyes lacks in oxygen level, due to prolong period of wearing contact lenses. However, ACUVUE® Oasys® 1-Day which is made of hydrated silicon; a highly breathable material  could ensure my corneal health is taken care of! As mention earlier on, never skip the hygiene step. Sadly my eyes, starts to show minor sign of inflammation, but hurray to no UV damage! The professional advice from my ECP sure do help to prevent further damage to my eyes health.

The entire health checkup was very comprehensive and my ECP allows me to understand the intention behind every procedures. Thumbs up for this!

Before and After wearing  ACUVUE® Oasys® 1-Day with Hydraluxe

The before and after test result is pretty clear, my eyes looks less tired than before wearing ACUVUE® Oasys® 1-Day with Hydraluxe.

ACUVUE® Oasys® 1-Day is definitely The Lens That Keeps Up With My Demanding Days. 

The Hydraluxe™ technology is a Tear Infused Design which integrate with and support the tear film giving it a smoother surface reducing frictional energy for effortless blinking and minimise feelings of eye fatigue, 

Besides the enhance moisture network and tear like molecule, ACUVUE® Oasys® 1-Day is also made of hydrated silicon; a highly breathable material to ensure corneal health. The increase diameter protect delicate limbal health, enlarge optic zone improved vision in low light conditions and most importantly, it has the highest level of UV protection.

 #seemyworld #achievementunlocked

Each boxes of ACUVUE® Oasys® 1-Day with Hydraluxe retails at the price of $72 per box (30 lenses in a box) 

Want to experience ACUVUE® Experience Centre (AEC) as well?

Take the first step in your own #firstexperience by downloading the $30 e-voucher below to try ACUVUE® OASYS® 1-Day (Voucher will also be valid for other key brands – Define™, MOIST® for Astigmatism, MOIST® Brand Multifocal), as well as receive a complimentary eye examination worth $60.

Take on the challenge to unlock your first jobbers’ career goals as you transit into a more demanding lifestyle. Try it yourself now!

This post was created in partnership with SingPost/Sample Store and ACUVUE®


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